The first thing you learn about bed bugs is where there’s one there’s sure to be others. More importantly, perhaps, there’s sure to be bed bug eggs. Getting rid of bed bugs is one thing, and we’ve talked at length about the various methods exterminators use to...
Welcome to NYC Bed Bug Inspectors Blog
Benefits of Hiring a Bed Bug Specialist
Bed bug infestations are notoriously difficult to eliminate. It can start innocently enough. You pick up a stray bed bug or two and bring them into your home. After a while you begin to notice some of the tell-tale signs of activity – bite marks, bed bug rashes,...
Bed Bug Trauma – The Hidden Impact of Infestations
Dealing with a bed bug infestation can be a harrowing experience. Fortunately, we know that bed bugs do not carry any diseases. They can not, and do not, transmit diseases to their human victims. However, that doesn’t mean that they do not affect our health. One of...
2022 End of Year Bed Bug Roundup
Over the last several years the uptick in bed bug infestations across the country have made these pests more than a little newsworthy. That’s why every year at about this time we publish our annual end of year bed bug roundup. It’s an opportunity to highlight a few of...
What to Do if You Find Bed Bugs in Your Clothes
Winter is here and we’re all getting our first taste of this season’s arctic chill. So the time has come to start digging into closets and drawers to fetch out the family’s warmest coats, blankets, sweaters, and mittens. But what are the chances your winter clothes...
4 Tips to Avoid Bed Bugs During Holidays
We’ve said it before but it bears repeating – bed bugs are champion hitchhikers. It’s the single most common way bed bugs spread from place to place. Unsuspecting travelers often accidentally transport these pests from location to location in unchecked suitcases and...