Sep 10, 2022 | Bed Bug Detection
I recently stumbled across a social media post regarding thrift stores and bed bugs. The thread went back and forth for a bit, as social media posts tend to do. Some people argued that buying clothing or furniture from thrift shops was perfectly safe because...
Aug 24, 2022 | Bed Bug Detection
No one wants to discover that their home is infested with bed bugs. Just the thought of these blood-sucking pests can make your skin crawl. But with bed bug infestations on the rise across the country it’s a good idea to know how to recognize the early warning signs...
Aug 12, 2022 | Bed Bug Detection
There’s a lot to be said for apartment living. Affordable rent, cost-free maintenance, and easy access to the kind of amenities that make living in an apartment of condo an attractive alternative to buying a house. But apartment living also has some disadvantages. No,...