May 6, 2018 | Bed Bug Info
When asked the same question in an online survey of around 2,000 people visiting hotels for business and leisure, only 35 percent of business travelers and 28 percent of leisure travelers were able to identify the bedbug in the same line up. Around the same percentage...
Apr 22, 2018 | Bed Bug Info
Bed bug fact sheet Got questions about bedbugs? Give us a call: 212-299-9186 What are bed bugs? Bed bugs are small, flat insects that feed on the blood of people and animals while they sleep. Mature adults are about the size of an apple...
Apr 17, 2018 | Bed Bug Info
If some insects could save the world, others do their best to seriously complicate life on earth. Among them the prize perhaps goes to the bed bug, which after decades of absence has returned to our homes, hotels and public facilities to seriously disturb us. These...
Apr 12, 2018 | Bed Bug Info Did you know that 3 out of 10 people bitten by bedbugs show no reaction to the bites? That’s because the bite itself is an allergic reaction, and 30% of the population does not...
Mar 20, 2018 | Bed Bug Info
There was an interesting story recently in the NY Post detailing a tenant’s victory in a bed bug related suit against his landlord. NY landlords are all taking notice, because 35-year old tenant Luis Cotto settled for a $300,000 judgement against his landlord....
Feb 9, 2018 | Bed Bug Info
Even if you have never dealt with a bed bug issue before, the simple thought of them can cause fear in many people. There is good reason: bed bug bites can be painful and irritating, and no one likes to think of any bugs living in their home. But just how do bed bugs...