Bed bugs are on of the frustrating of household pests. They are difficult to detect, quick to spread, and cause financial and emotional distress to families unlucky enough to experience a full-on infestation.

There was a time when bed bugs were all but eliminated from American homes. But over the last few decades these resilient pests have made a staggering, and wholly unwanted, return to our lives.

If you’re dealing with an infestation, or simply want to be better prepared, we’re here to answer some of the most frequently asked questions about these home invaders.

What are Bed Bugs?

Bed bugs belong to the Cimicidae family of insects. They are small, wingless, reddish-brown insects that feed on the blood of humans and other mammals. They’re about the size of an apple seed and are capable of hiding in the tiniest of spaces, making them hard to detect. Their bites are know to cause itching, irritation, and allergic reactions in their human victims.

How do Bed Bugs Spread?

In many ways humans are the prime movers in the spread of bed bugs. These pests hitch rides in our clothes and luggage, on our beds and bedding, and in our family furnishings. In fact, one of the most common ways bed bugs get into our homes is via second-hand furniture. Used couches and second-hand beds are often the source of household infestations.

Once inside a building bed bugs will move between adjacent rooms through small cracks in the walls, via electrical outlets, or along plumbing lines. This often happens in hotels, office blocks, and apartment complexes.

What Are the Signs of a Bed Bug Infestation?

Bed bugs can be difficult to detect. However, there are some key indicators that can tip off homeowners to the signs of a growing infestation. These most often include:

  • Bites on the Skin – Small, red, itchy welts appearing on exposed skin. These often appear in a line of cluster.
  • Blood Stains – Tiny spots of blood on sheets, pillowcases or mattresses. These are the tell-tale signs that bed bugs have been feeding.
  • Fecal Stains – Bed bug fecal matter on mattresses and bedding. This will appear as dark rust-colored spots or smears.
  • Shed Skins – As bed bugs grow they shed their exoskeletons. Shed skins are a key sign of a bed bug colony that is growing and reproducing.

Can Bed Bug Survive Without Food?

Bed bugs are highly resilient creatures. They can survive for months without feeding. An adult bed bug can go without a blood meal for as long as six months. This is one of the reasons they are so difficult to eliminate. If no host is available they can lay dormant until a new host presents itself. This is one of the reasons you should always have a new apartment or other rental property inspected before moving in. Hungry bed bugs may be waiting for your arrival.

Do Bed Bugs Present a Health Risk?

The good news is that bed bugs do not transmit any diseases. However, that doesn’t mean that they don’t have an impact on our health. Bed bugs can cause a variety of health issues, including:

  • Itching and Irritation – Bed bug bites can be extremely itchy, leading to discomfort and sleep disturbances. The degree of irritation typically varies among individuals.
  • Allergic Reactions – To some degree every reaction to a bed bug bite is an allergic reaction. That being said some people are more sensitive than others, and may experience swelling, blisters or other severe allergic responses.
  • Secondary Infections – Bed bug bites can be extremely itchy. Excessive scratching can lead to infections that may require medical intervention.
  • Stress and Anxiety – Dealing with an infestation can lead to stress and anxiety and can impact sleep patters and overall well-being.

How Can You Prevent Bed Bug Infestations?

Bed bug infestations a fast moving, making prevention all the more important. Fortunately there are a few things we can all do to help us avoid potential infestations.

Consider the following preventative measures:

  • Regular Cleaning – Bed bug infestations have no connection to cleanliness. However, a cluttered environment provides plenty of hiding places for invading bed bugs. Frequent vacuuming and de-cluttering can reduce hiding spaces while allowing ample opportunities to spot any tell-tale signs of bed bug activity.
  • Be Careful with Second-Hand Furniture – Always inspect and clean used furniture before bringing it into your home. The same is true for second-hand clothing. Vintage shops offer some sweet deals but always inspect and clean before bringing into your home.
  • Inspect Hotel Rooms – When you travel always inspect hotel rooms for signs of bed bugs. Check mattresses, headboards, and furniture. If notice any signs of bed bug activity request a different room in another part of the hotel.
  • Use Protective Covers – Encase mattresses and box springs in bed bug-proof covers. These help to trap any living bed bugs and stop them from spreading further.

Bed bugs are persistent and troublesome pests. Understanding their behavior and taking proactive measures can help you to prevent and control infestations. If you suspect you have a growing bed bug problem early intervention is critical. Contact a professional bed bug inspection and removal team immediately before the situation can escalate.

Published by Scott Palatnik

We are Bedbug Inspection & Elimination specialists.
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